Mixed Race People Are Better

Anti-Whites aren't going to Asia and saying "Mixed race is better, so we're going to flood you with millions of non-Asians and force-mix you out of existence".

Anti-Whites aren't going to Africa and saying "Mixed race is better, so we're going to flood you with millions of non-Africans and force-mix you out of existence".

You anti-Whites ONLY demand this be done to ALL & ONLY White countries.

You are demanding the GENOCIDE of my people.

"Anti-racist" is a code word for anti-White.

White people make up 8% of the world's population.

ONLY in White countries are we demanded by "anti-racists" to "get together" to create a this and that brown mixture "perfect race."

No "anti-racists" are demanding non-White countries mix into one this and that brown mixture; despite non-Whites making up 92 % of the world's population.

They say they are "anti-racist." What they are is anti-White.

"Anti-racist" is a code word for anti-White.

It's genocide.

Mixed Race World / Mixing The Races

All White countries, and the important point – ONLY White countries – are expected to become "multicultural", "diverse", "mixed-race", "a melting pot", etc.

The "ONLY" part is important because contrary to what anti-Whites say, the world is not becoming mixed race – only White countries are.

When a specific group of people has been mixed, at the least, to a minority in their own countries, there is a word for that: genocide.

So when this is done to ALL and ONLY White countries this is called White genocide.

Anti-Whites decided my country should be a "melting pot". I didn't. My people didn't - there was no public voting on this.

The point of a "melting pot" is that everything is mixed. You anti-Whites ONLY ever call White countries "melting pots".

Anti-Whites say multiculturalism is good, but they don't demand more multiculturalism of Africa or Asia. They ONLY demand it of White countries. It's genocide.

"Anti-racist" is a code word for anti-White.

More Whites Today

And those White people are forcibly becoming minorities in White countries across the world.

Forced non-White immigration + forced conditions for assimilation = Genocide of White people.

Why are you justifying genocide?

Numbers and percentages do not disprove GENOCIDE.

Genocide is ANY HARM OR DESTRUCTION commited against a group, e.g. forcing White communities to become multi-racial is GENOCIDE.

You anti-Whites make it illegal for any White area to say "no" to non-White migrants. THAT. IS. GENOCIDE.


"Multiculturalism" is a program of changing White societies into non-White societies.

"Multiculturalism" is a code word for White genocide.

No one says that an Asian country needs multiCULTuralism.

No one says that a Black country needs multiCULTuralism.

Yet in ALL & ONLY White countries, anti-Whites posing as "anti-racists" demand those countries stop being White and become "multicultural." This is genocide - the targeted destruction of a group.

"MultiCULTuralism" is a code word for White genocide and "anti-racist" is a code word for anti-White.

Nazi Racist

In YOUR OPINION that's "racist."

You're just saying that because I'm White.

"Anti-racist" is a code word for anti-White.

If I hated a race, I might flood all their countries with millions of different people, and tell everyone to "mix in," until no people of that kind were left. If anyone objected, I might scream "racistnazi!" at them to get them fired from their jobs.

If I hated a certain race, I might do that, but I am not doing that. Anti-whites are doing it to White people in ALL & ONLY White countries. It's GENOCIDE.

"Anti-racist" is a code word for anti-White.

HERESY! Each society has its own word for HERESY!

Communists called all HERESY! "Fascism."

Fascist Italy called all HERESY! "Communism."

Today, the Politically Correct tyranny calls HERESY! "Hate!"

They call people who speak HERESY! names.

You Political Correctness fanatics are playing a very old game.

When you scream HERESY! aka Hate! at people who disagree with you, it says nothing about the point we make.

But it tells us ALL about YOU ANTI-WHITES.

Non-whites & Anti-whites

What is so special about land White people control as opposed to the land your people control?

Not only is that is a declaration of war against all White people.

You're also embarrassing your own people.

Every group needs a home to survive: yours, mine, Chinese, Turkish, etc.

If you say my group (White people) cannot have a home, you are anti-White. It doesn't matter if you are White and say that or non-White and say that.

You are anti-White, and demanding White genocide.

So, as an anti-White, what makes you think you can "do away" (genocide) with my people?

Not Bothered

If the various breeds of white-tailed deer that evolved in the different areas of the Appalachian mountains were mixed together in a single area; in a few generations only one "mixed breed" of white-tailed deer would exist.

Likewise, flooding ALL & ONLY White countries with non-Whites and force-assimilating them will blend White people out of existence, AKA White Genocide.

You say you are "anti-racists," but what you are is anti-White!

"Anti-racist" is a code word for anti-White.

Isn't it funny how these anti-Whites will rush to defend Tibetans against the genocide of Chinese, yet at the same time demand the genocide of White people.

You say you are "anti-racists," but what you are is anti-White!

"Anti-racist" is a code word for anti-White.

You're either pro-White or anti-White.

Pro-Whites believe all people should have a home in order to exist.

Anti-Whites believe White people must be genocided from existence through mass immigration & forced assimilation into ALL & ONLY White countries.

So which is it?

You say you are "anti-racists," but what you are is anti-White!

"Anti-racist" is a code word for anti-White.

The Dalai Lama, who won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1989, has been quoted as saying: "The unabated influx of Chinese immigrants to Tibet is reducing the Tibetans to an insignificant minority in their own country."

Is the Dalai Lama a "racist," or does he get a pass from you anti-whites because he`s a non-White?

"Anti-racist" is a code word for anti-White.

Anti-Whites ONLY want to genocide White people, so they tell us to "not be so serious."

But they're not telling the Manchurians, Tibetans, Hottentots, Ainu, Jews, Darfur Blacks, etc, to "not be so serious," because they don't actually want to get rid of them.

Anti-Whites don't care if innocent White children become minorities in all their countries due to the actions and words of those same anti-Whites!

"Anti-racist" is a code word for anti-White.

Not Genocide

The Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide 1948, defines genocide: "acts committed with the intent to destroy in whole or in part a national, ethnic, racial or religious group"

"Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part."

It doesn't have to be violent.

"Anti-racist" is a code word for anti-White.

Let's pretend that the Boers in South Africa are not on genocide watch because of their slaughter.

Even if the only method of genocide being used was mass non-White immigration into ALL White countries and ONLY into White countries and forced integration and assimilation, this would still lead to the ELIMINATION of a unique human GENOtype, a GENOcide.

"Anti-racist" is a code word for anti-White.

Sarkozy said that "not to intermarry racially is bad for the survival of the country" why is that "OK" and not "racist" but a White person saying they believe in White racial survival is an "evil racist?"

You anti-Whites are allowed to promote interracial marriage in media, schools and entertainment. Nowhere are White people allowed to promote same race marriage.

"Anti-racist" is a code word for anti-White.

You have never heard anybody talk about a race problem?

You have never heard White people being condemned and told to accept multiculturalism and assimilate immigrants?

You have never heard anybody insist on open borders in ALL & ONLY White countries?

You have never heard anybody say the Final Solution to racism is "mixing THE races?" When they mean only mixing races in White countries.

"Anti-racist" is a code word for anti-White.

If Hitler took all the male Jews and sent them to Asia. Then sent all the female Jews to Africa. You are telling me that this would not be considered Genocide? LOL... Well they can marry whoever they want, right? They have free association... right?

"Anti-racist" is a code word for anti-White.

All genocides are executed with the fig leaf of legality.

It is genocide because it results in White people intentionally being made a minority in historically White nations.

If one opposes the anti-White policy of mass immigration and force-assimilation, you could be fired, threatened, beaten up, or imprisoned! That's genocide as defined by section (c) of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide.

"Anti-racist" is a code word for anti-White.

No White People

Anti-whites say White people don't exist when people who oppose White genocide confront them.

But when we're not around, anti-Whites blame all White people everywhere and everywhen for slavery, the Holocaust, discrimination, and also talk about how "evil" we are.

THEN they turn round and say WE'RE "the bad ones."

That's like punching a person in the face and crying that they hurt your fist.

"Anti-racist" is a code word for anti-White.

To be a forensics expert you must be able to take hair or skin from a body and be able to tell through DNA the GENOtype (race) of that individual. However, to keep your job as a forensic expert you must say "there is no race, only the human race."

When it comes down to science and facts, anti-Whites get proven how silly they really are. All they have is their thought police!

"Anti-racist" is a code word for anti-White.

The only time so called "anti-racists," ever acknowledge the existence of White people, is when they are calling us names.

"White Trash", "White Supremacist", "White Racist", etc, etc..

"Anti-racist" is a code word for anti-White.

So you're saying that "race doesn't exist," so my people's countries MUST be flooded with millions of non-White immigrants, which are then force-assimilated until my people become minorities.

Nobody is doing that to Asians in Asia.

Nobody is doing that to Blacks in Africa.

Nobody is doing that to Muslims in the Middle East.

You anti-Whites ONLY ever argue for this to be done to ALL & ONLY White countries. This is GENOCIDE of my people.

"Anti-racist" is a code word for anti-White.

The UN Genocide Conventions recognizes RACE as an 'Identifiable Group' to prevent what YOU anti-Whites are doing right now.

Your attempt to deny my people's existence is called "Dehumanization;" it's one of the 8 steps of genocide.

No one is going to Africa / Asia and telling the people there, "race does not exist."

Anti-Whites are ONLY doing this in ALL & ONLY White countries.

"Anti-racist" is a code word for anti-White.

As an anti-White, why are you trying to deny the existence of a group? This is a process called 'dehumanisation' and common in those complicit with the crime of GENOCIDE.

Why do you support mass immigration, FORCED multiCULTuralism and FORCED Multi-racialism in White countries and ONLY White countries?

Why do you support GENOCIDE of my people and their children?

"Anti-racist" is a code word for anti-White.

If you deny race exists, you're stating that genocide has never happened and can never happen.

You anti-Whites aren't going to Asia and telling Asians they don't exist.

You anti-Whites aren't going to Africa and telling Black people they don't exist.


BUT you acknowledge we exist when you blame us for slavery, colonialism, etc, or are calling us "racist!"

"Anti-racist" is a code word for anti-White.

ALL White people everywhere are constantly blamed by you anti-Whites for the slavery of Black people -- not the slavery of people from Africa.

You say White people don't exist, but then you blame us for slavery, holocaust, war, hate, famine, etc.

"Anti-racist" is a code word for anti-White.

You anti-Whites acknowledge race every time you open your mouths and shout out how "evil" my people, White people, are and tag my people as naziswhowanttokillsixmillionjews.

Don't you think it's strange how when a White person does something good it's attributed to the whole of humanity?

But when a White person does something bad EVERY White person, living, dead, unborn, must "pay" for that with their own genocide committed by you anti-Whites.

"Anti-racist" is a code word for anti-White.

No White Countries

Your anti-White allies have defined White nations as the ONLY out of hundreds that have a "duty" to import vast legions of non-Whites and assimilate.

General W. Clark "There is no place in modern Europe for ethnically pure states."

Notice he said "Europe", not "world."

And in White non-Euro nations you anti-Whites claim they're for anyone.

Only in White countries this is going on; only anti-Whites like you are pushing it.

It's genocide.

"Anti-racist" is a code word for anti-White.

Africa is named "the Black continent" everyday. But nobody is saying "Africa is not a Black continent! There are no Black countries!"

China is named "the Yellow giant" everyday. But nobody is saying "Asia is not an Asian country! There are no Asian countries!"

Anti-Whites like YOU say ALL & ONLY White countries should not be called as such.

You say you are "anti-racist." What you are is anti-White.

"Anti-racist" is a code word for anti-White.

Out Of Africa

Anti-Whites don't have a problem with Korea being an Asian country.

Anti-Whites don't have a problem with Haiti being a Black country.

Anti-White don't have a problem with Saudi Arabia being an Arab county.

But anti-Whites DO have a problem with Britain, France, USA, Canada, Germany or ANY country being a White country.

They say they are "anti-racist." What they are is anti-White.

"Anti-racist" is a code word for anti-White.

In Europe, USA, Canada, Australia (places founded by White people), we're told "we're all from Africa, so we have to assimilate millions of non-White immigrants."

BUT in South Africa, even though "we're all from Africa", we're told Whites people stole the land and have no right to the country they founded.

People shouting "we're all from Africa" claim to be "anti-racist." They aren't "anti-racist" at all. They're anti-White.

"Anti-racist" is a code word for anti-White.

ONLY White countries are told they must bring in non-White immigrants and "assimilate" with them.

ONLY White people are told "we're all from Africa, so we must mix into a blended race."

ONLY White children will suffer from this - the result of being minorities in their own homes everywhere.

"Anti-racist" is a code word for anti-White.

Say Something Different

Anti-Whites like you have said for years that:

1. There CANNOT be a future with White people, or

2. There SHOULD NOT be a future with White people.

We will say something different on condition that anti-Whites everywhere say something different.

Here's the following new statements you can make:

1. Yes, it's genocide of White people and that is wrong.

2. Yes, it's genocide, but I still support it.

Social Construct

Anti-Whites have such a strong sense of White identity, that they will routinely associate collective guilt to White children for things that happened thousands of miles away, and hundreds of years before those White children were even born.

And yet, those same anti-Whites will also look you straight in the eye and tell you that White people are just a "social construct" and we "don't exist."

"Anti-racist" is a code word for anti-White.

Medical science proves that race exists through facts and genetic tests.

Social science aknowledges the existence of White people when they are blaming us for everything and calling us "evil." Then when White people finally get fed up and try to defend themselves from genocide, Social science denies we exist.

Social science is the core belief of "anti-racism."

"Anti-racist" is a code word for anti-White.

Should ALL and ONLY Black countries be flooded with hundreds of millions of non-Blacks who are then force assimilated into the Black population because "Race is a social construct?"

You anti-Whites ONLY ever argue for this to be done to EVERY White country and ONLY White countries. You are demanding and justifying the GENOCIDE of my people.

"Anti-racist" is a code word for anti-White.

So as long as their culture is kept alive, you agree that you have no problem with native American reservations bringing in millions of non-native Americans and assimilating until it's just a mix of this and that?

Of course you would have a problem. It's only White people you want to genocide, that's why you promote my genocide so forcefully.

You're anti-White.

"Anti-racist" is a code word for anti-White.

Meanwhile, no one is flooding Africa with Non Africans and telling them "Race is a social construct" so we're going to create a blended humanity in ONLY Africa.

No one is flooding Japan with non-Japanese and telling them "Race is a social construct" so we're going to create a blended humanity in ONLY Japan.

Only White countries are doing this, only Anti-Whites like you are pushing it.

Its GeNOcide.

"Anti-racist" is a code word for anti-White.

We All Bleed Red

"We all bleed red" is a justification for GENOCIDE of White people.

Would you flood Africa with millions of Whites and demand they assimilate to create a less Black Africa for this reason also? Or are you just anti-White?

You're not going to Africa, saying "we all bleed red" and forcing Africans to accept multiCULTuralism & multi-racialism.

You're not going to Asia, saying "we all bleed red" and forcing Asians to accept multiCULTuralism & multi-racialism.

You anti-Whites use "we all bleed red" as a justification for the genocide of White children.

"Anti-racist" is a code word for anti-White.

It doesn't matter what we bleed.

The point is that YOU anti-Whites are commiting acts of genocide against White people, as defined by the UN genocide conventions.

Why are you anti-White? What is your justification of the genocide of my people?

"Anti-racist" is a code word for anti-White.

"We all bleed red" is no excuse for the genocide of Tibetans by Chinese.

"We all bleed red" is no excuse for the genocide of White people by anti-Whites.

"Anti-racist" is a code word for anti-White.

Meanwhile on planet Sanity:

"We all bleed red" is not being used to justify the genocide of Black people.

"We all bleed red" is not being used to force Japan to accept foreigners.

"We all bleed red" is not being used to force-blend Muslims out of the Middle east.

It's ONLY being used to do all of the above to my people, White people.

"Anti-racist" is a code word for anti-White.

Panda bears also bleed red. So why don't you justify the extinction of Pandas like you justify the genocide of my people, White people?

You don't care what we bleed. You care that White people exist, and that's why you're using this argument as a justification for the genocide of White children everywhere.

Why do you hate my people's children so much?

You say you are "anti-racist." What you are is anti-White.

"Anti-racist" is a code word for anti-White.

White Privilege

No one says Indians, Chinese, Japanese, Africans, etc, should fight the "privilege" of their own race in government and private sectors in their own countries.

"Anti-racists" only combat this kind of "privilege" in White nations.

"Anti-racist" is a code word for anti-White.

Anti-racists say...

Asian privilege: Asian people building a future for Asian children. Good!

Black privilege: Black people building a future for Black children. Good!

White privilege: White people building a future for White children. NAZIBADEVIL!

"Anti-racists" ONLY fight White "privilege" in ALL & ONLY White countries. This is genocide of White children.

"Anti-racist" is a code word for anti-White.

Have you ever heard of an "anti-racism" campaign that targeted any non-White group as having "privilege?"

Of course not. They ONLY attack White "privilege" (a future for White children) in ALL & ONLY White countries.

All you anti-Whites ever do is make excuse after excuse to turn every White country into a brown mix of this and that.

All you anti-Whites ever do is justify innocent White children living in poverty as minorities in every country their ancestors built.

All you anti-Whites ever do is justify genocide of White children; a future without White children.

Now you see why "anti-racist" is a code word for anti-White.

In South Africa affirmative action is used to discriminate against the White minority and award the non-White majority. In USA affirmative action is used to discrimate against the White majority and award the non-White minority.

"Anti-racists" say the goal of affirmative action is "anti-racism." So "anti-racist" is just a code word for anti-White, because they are pushing White genocide.


We can't have Whites dominating their own governments and corporations in their own countries, because that would be racist and we must have affirmative action to fight it.

Pro White:

No one says Indians, Chinese, Japanese, Africans, etc, should fight the "privilege" of their own race in government and private sectors in their own countries.

"Anti-racists" only combat this kind of "privilege" in White nations.

"Anti-racist" is a code word for anti-White.

"African-American studies" celebrates blacks.

"Asian-American studies" celebrates asians.

"Chicano studies" celebrates hispanics.

"Whiteness studies" denies that White people even EXIST, and that these White people (who they say don't exist) have "White privilege."

"Anti-racist" is a code word for anti-White.

Willingly Assimilating

Majority White areas are outlawed, and "anti-racist" organizations get paid millions to make White areas "more diverse" AKA Majority non-White ALL OVER THE WORLD.

If you said "no reservations for endangered animals" people would soon realise you want a future without them.

...and when you say that about PEOPLE that becomes GENOCIDE. Why do you support White genocide?

If a baby sets a house on fire because you gave it a match and dared it to should it be arrested for arson?

The anti-White regime encourages people that don't know better to engage in their own genocide. You trend-following anti-Whites are in the latter category.

My people are not asked yes or no if they want to become "diverse." We are TOLD to become "diverse." If we oppose we are beaten up, harassed, sued, or get death threats from anti-Whites like you.

White GENOCIDE by assimilation is just a product of anti-White conditions and brainwashing.

We are FORCED to assimilate because we are not allowed anywhere exclusive, but non-Whites are allowed that right.

ONLY White countries have unwillingly been forced by anti-Whites like you to bring in millions of non-Whites and assimilate. A White reservation or majority White area is not allowed to exist because all White people would move there - it's called White flight.

When the majority of White people flee an area because it becomes minority White, that's because YOU anti-Whites force and encourage these conditions of GENOCIDE.

Making the best of a bad situation is not free will.

1. Anti-Whites turn an area minority White.

2. White people flee the minority White area.

3. Anti-Whites try to make the next area minority White.

Welcome to what is called White genocide.