What do you say when called a RACIST?

You're a racist!

In your opinion I'm a racist, you're only saying that because I'm White.

"anti-RACIST" is a code word for anti-WHITE.

What do you say when called a NAZI?

You're a nazi!

In your opinion I'm a nazi, you're only saying that because I'm White.

"anti-NAZI" is a code word for anti-WHITE.

What do you say when called a FASCIST?

You're a fascist!

In your opinion I'm a fascist, you're only saying that because I'm White.

"anti-FASCIST" is a code word for anti-WHITE.

What do you say when called a WHITE SUPREMACIST?

You're a white supremacist!

In your opinion I'm a white supremacist, you're only saying that because I'm White.

"anti-WHITE SUPREMACIST" is code for anti-WHITE.

What do you say when called ?

You're a !

In your opinion I'm a , you're only saying that because I'm White.

"anti- " is code for anti-WHITE.