anti-Racist isn't anti-White

"Anti-racists" in Africa aren't telling Africans they have no right to patrol their borders and kick out illegal immigrants.

"Anti-racists" in Asia aren't telling Asians that mixed race is better, and they should all mix together in Asia.

"Anti-racists" ONLY do this in White countries. They justify the genocide of my people, White people.

That's why "anti-racist" is a code word for anti-White.

Whenever an "anti-racist" opens their mouths, the next thing they say usually leads to a future without White children - genocide.

That's why "anti-racist" is a code word for anti-White.

"Anti-racists" talk to us about two things:

1. How White people are genetically evil, how we are responsible for our ancestors misdeeds, and how we don't actually exist. All of this going in the direction of a future without White children - GENOCIDE.

2. How they're not anti-White.

Who do you think you are kidding?

That's why we all know "anti-racist" is a code word for anti-White.

Assimilation isn't Forced

The CONDITIONS that lead to it ARE being FORCED. YOU anti-Whites are responsible.

Calling someone "chicken" and threatening to beat them up if they don't run past a speeding car is FORCE.

"Anti-racist" is a code word for anti-White.

FACT: Opposing forced assimilation gets you fired, sued, beaten up, and called "RACISTNAZI!"

FICTION: Anti-Whites say "there is no force."

FACT: "Anti-racist" is a code word for anti-White.

Anti-Whites SAY assimilation isn't forced. Then you demand loss of employment, physical violence, and legal action against anyone opposing assimilation. So explain yourselves, anti-Whites.

You say you are anti-racist. What you are is anti-White.

"Anti-racist" is a code word for anti-White. Why do you want White geNOcide?

If assimilation isn't forced, why is there affirmative action & racial employment quotas?

If assimilation isn't forced, why aren't White People allowed to vote to stop mass non-White immigration into ONLY White countries?

If assimilation isn't forced, why are non-Whites forced into ALL & ONLY White communities?

If assimilation isn't forced, then you describe the assimilation we are forced to accept?

"Anti-racist" is a code word for anti-White.

The CONDITIONS of assimilation are being forced.

Every White community is forced by law to elicit non-Whites and forced by law to work in the same places, etc.

Human nature states members of groups will have sex with members of other groups in the same area - assimilation.

It is genocide because every single White community and country has these conditions forced on them, with the anti-White intent that it will get rid of White people - GENOCIDE.

You force us to live together, and you force us to work together. How can you say assimilation isn't forced?

If you push someone off a cliff, you don't have to force them to hit the ground- the law of gravity will do that for you.

If you flood ONLY White countries with millions of non-Whites and force my people to live with them, my people will mix. The laws of human nature will take care of that for you.

But it's still GENOCIDE because you have targeted my people for harm and destruction.

Better Life

White people making nice places to live does NOT justify the genocide of my people - White genocide.

"A better life" (which you support) was the whole point of European colonialism (which you oppose). You don't care about non-Whites, you just want to genocide White people.


Let's turn it around - when can the poor White people in Europe move to Japan and totally wipe out Japanese people?

It's genocide because ONLY White countries have been targeted for open border and forced assimilation policies.


All people in the history of world have taken other people's land. The difference is, white people were just more successful at it.


"Anti-racist" is a code word for anti-White.

Every group of people in world has murdered, raped, and stole. They tell us "the world" has to make up for the past by becoming mixing race (but only in White countries). So what they mean is WHITE people must go.

Does this sound like we have been targeted for destruction?

Targeting a group for harm or destruction perfectly fits the UN Genocide conventions as the crime of GENOCIDE.



Japan colonised parts of China, Korea, and nearly ended the Ainu.

Are you going to justify the genocide of the Japanese by turning Japan into a brown mixture of this and that?

"Anti-racists" only demand White countries turn themselves non-White because of their colonial history.


"Anti-racist" is a code word for anti-White.


The Ottoman empire colonised Greece.

Are Turks next on your genocide list?

Nope, because you only want to get rid of White people - GENOCIDE.

You say you're "anti-racist," what you are is anti-White.

"Anti-racist" is a code word for anti-White.


Japan has colonised large parts of Asia including over 3000 islands.

But you never say Japan must atone for it's colonial past by 'assimilating' with non-Japanese.

You see, ONLY anti-Whites use this against White countries as a justification for genocide of White people.


The Zulus in Africa conquered the Hottentots.

You never say Africans need to assimilate with millions of non-Blacks.

The Ottoman empire and Moorish empire stole large parts of Europe and made the Christians slaves.

You never say Muslim areas need to assimilate with millions of non-Muslims.

You "anti-racists" say this about ALL & ONLY White countries. YOU are actually anti-White and demanding White genocide.

"Anti-racist" is a code word for anti-White.


Colonialism is no excuse for genocide. Every country in history has colonised another country, so why do you ONLY justify the genocide of White people???

"Anti-racists" demand immigration and assimilation in ALL & ONLY White countries.

These "anti-racists" are in fact demanding White genocide.

But of course we all know that, and we all know "anti-racist" is a code word for anti-White.


Why is it, when a White person does evil things; I, and every other White person has to take personal responsibility for it?

I'll tell you why: it's because colonialism is just used as an excuse to commit genocide against White people. All people have commited evil, but anti-Whites say that only White people need to be got rid of because of this. Why are you justifying White genocide, anti-White?


All nations today invaded someone else to get the land they're living on. But "anti-racists" aren't using that as an excuse to justify their genocide, unless they are White.

Unlimited immigration & forced assimilation for ALL & ONLY White countries is genocide!

"Anti-racist" is a code word for anti-White.

Are you really demanding an ENTIRE RACE OF PEOPLE, past, present, and future have to go? That's sick - and it's GENOCIDE.

Normal people believe every race, culture, ethnicity, religion, and nationality has a right to exist.

Only a genocidal anti-White wants to "mix" my people, White people into a "this and that" brown mixture.


If you think you stole something you should give it back. Go on, give your home to a so-called "native" of this land and migrate back to Europe.

Oh wait... you anti-Whites say Europe isn't for White people either!!!

So if White people aren't allowed Europe and their colonies, where do they go?

Wait! You anti-Whites don't want White people to exist -- you demand the genocide of White people everywhere!

You call yourselves "anti-racist", but we all know it's a code word for anti-White.

Flooding Australia/Canada/USA with Mexicans, Indians, Africans, Asians, etc, and force-assimilating them, won't help natives -- it just makes their fate worse.

But you don't care about the natives - you don't want those countries to be native, you just want them to be non-White - THAT'S GENOCIDE!

You say you are "anti-racist," what you are is anti-White.

"Anti-racist" is a code word for anti-White.

Demographics Shift

You seem to be still living in the 1800s. Population movements are natural. But specific POLICIES supported by you anti-Whites to flood all White countries with other races and assimilate them are not natural - it's genocide.

No one is flooding any non-White countries with millions of foreigners, force-assimilating them, then screaming "Racist" to anyone who opposes that genocide.

This ONLY happens in White countries.

"Anti-racist" is a code word for anti-White.

Admit it anti-White: "Demographics Shift" is code for "Good, our genocide of White people is coming along nicely."

"Anti-racist" is a code word for anti-White.

One could say Tibetan's genocide by the Chinese is a "Demographics Shift."

Anti-Whites will call it out for the genocide it is.

One could say White people's genocide by anti-Whites is a "Demographics Shift."

Anti-Whites will deny it is genocide and call anyone who opposes them names.

"Demographics shift" is code for purposely changing White countries into non-White countries, aka genocide.

"Anti-racist" is a code word for anti-White.


"Diversity" means chasing down Every Last White Person.

The program of "Diversity" in EVERY White country and ONLY in White countries will continue until there are no White children left.

This is White Genocide.

"Diversity" is a code word for White Genocide.

No "anti-racists" say a 100% Asian area needs more diversity.

No "anti-racists" say a 100% Black area needs more diversity.

No "anti-racists" say a 100% Muslim area needs more diversity.

According to "anti-racists," they are already 100% diverse.

They say ALL & ONLY White areas need to be more diverse, and that White areas only stop needing to be more diverse when there are no White people left in them.

"Anti-racist" is a code word for anti-White.

Nobody is chasing all and only Asian people with "diversity".

Nobody is chasing all and only Black people with "diversity".

Anti-Whites are only chasing every last White person with "diversity" and that’s genocide.

"Diversity" is a code word for White Genocide.

Do we hear governments, the mass media, and academia calling for Japan to bring in millions of non-Japanese people and assimilate with them because they're "not diverse enough"?

Exactly -- we ONLY hear this about White countries. You anti-Whites are calling for the genocide of White people.

"Anti-racist" is a code word for anti-White.

When Whites threaten non-White countries with immigration "anti-racists" call it colonialism.

When non-Whites threaten White countries with immigration "anti-racists" call it progress/diversity/multiculturalism/etc.

"Anti-racists" demand immigration and assimilation in ALL & ONLY White countries.

These "anti-racists" are in fact demanding White genocide.

But of course we all know that, and we all know "anti-racist" is a code word for anti-White.

Obama force-integrated Marin county because it was "too White", and all the "anti-racists" cheered.

If Obama had force integrated Detroit because it was "too Black" or Texas because it was "too Mexican", do you think the "anti-racists" would cheer?

No, they ONLY cheer when White people are subject to a program of genocide.

But of course we all know that, and we all know "anti-racist" is a code word for anti-White.


Asian countries are not becoming minority Asian.

Black countries are not becoming minority Black.

This is ONLY happening in White countries, by mass non-White immigration and forced "diversity" (assimilation).

It's GENOCIDE. Why are you justifying GENOCIDE?

If White genocide is evolution, then Tibetan genocide is evolution?

Back in the real world, forcing "diversity" on White people ONLY gets rid of White people.


"Diversity" is a code word for White Genocide.

Freedom / Freedom of Movement

Give it up anti-Whites.

When White people move out of an area that's minority White, it's called "White flight."

Anti-Whites agree that "White flight" is bad, and that every White area must become "diverse."

"Diversity" is a code word for White Genocide.

Throughout history almost everyone had freedom of movement. What you mean is White people no longer have the freedom to say "no" because non-White countries are not called "RACISTNAZI!" if they decide they want to stay the same.

A perfect example of White genocide: "Freedom of movement, but ONLY into ALL White countries".

What you mean is everyone has freedom of movement but ALL & ONLY White countries lose the freedom to say "no."

Genocide comes in many forms and your nicely worded genocide is still genocide of White people.

Why would you need to justify GENOCIDE? Anti-Whites use "freedom" as an excuse to justify or participate in my people's GENOCIDE!

Anti-White freedom says non-Whites can maintain majority non-White countries, or move to a White country if they want.

But, anti-White freedom also says it's illegal for White people to maintain a majority White country, town, or school.

"Anti-racist" is a code word for anti-White.

Anti-White freedom means that non-Whites can go into any White country without White people having any say about it, and that when White people all flee a majority non-White area (White flight), the next majority White area must have conditions forced upon it to ensure it becomes majority non-White.

Give up the false pretense, you are just using freedom as an excuse to commit GENOCIDE against my people, White people.

"Anti-racist" is a code word for anti-White.

Have More Babies

The amount of White people isn't the point here.

The point is that anti-Whites like you are pushing forced assimilation with the intent to destroy White people - GENOCIDE.

You tell us it's our fault, the same way a rapist would tell a rape victim it's their fault.

"Anti-racist" is a code word for anti-White.

You're response to White GENOCIDE is "have more babies"?

If you go to Nigeria and force them to accept tens of millions of Chinese and force-assimilate them, while simultaneously telling Nigerians that are upset by this "it's your fault, have more babies", you are still committing GENOCIDE.

That's what you anti-Whites are doing to my people, White people.

It's genocide.

"Anti-racist" is a code word for anti-White.

We COULD breed like rabbits.

Tibetans COULD breed like rabbit also.

That does not change the fact that they (like us) are subject to a program of GENOCIDE.

Genociding people and then saying "Oh well, it's their fault, they should have bred more." does not remove you, the anti-White, from the genocidal responsibility you are perpetrating against my people.

"Anti-racist" is a code word for anti-White.

Meanwhile on planet earth, you "anti-racists" don't flood Africa with non-Blacks, promote mixing Black people out of existence to some this and that brown mixture, and call anyone who opposes this a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.

You ONLY are doing this to White countries. It's genocide.

"Anti-racist" is a code word for anti-White.

I Don't Want White Genocide

You may believe you don't, but all your policies lead to it.

The world's most evil people all had good intentions, but terrible delusions.

We have informed you what genocide is, now stop supporting the policies; or yes, you are an anti-White and supporting White GENOCIDE.


If you gave the White public the vote on immigration tommorow, they'd all vote "NO MORE PLEASE".

If you gave the White public the vote on assimilation tommorow, they'd all vote "NO THANKS, WE LIKE OUR OWN CULTURE".

You anti-Whites don't give them the right to vote on these matters, for obvious reasons, it's because you can't genocide White people if you don't have immigration and assimilation for ALL & ONLY White countries.

"Anti-racist" is a code word for anti-White.

Every country in this world was built by immigrants. But everyone knows that you ONLY justify unlimited immigration and assimilation of those immigrants for ONLY White countries.

You anti-Whites don't justify this being done to Japan, Sudan, Korea, Brazil, Yemen, or any other non-White countries.

You anti-Whites ONLY ever argue for this to be done to EVERY White country and ONLY White countries. You are demanding the GENOCIDE of my people, White people.

People don't grow out of the dirt of the land they live in. The Chinese could argue that Tibet is a "nation of immigrants," and then flood Tibet with millions of Chinese and force-integrate them into Tibet.

It's still genocide.

So why is it when anti-Whites demand unlimited immigration and assimilation of those immigrants for ALL & ONLY White countries, you claim that it is not genocide?

Are you anti-White?

Could any sane person not realize that flooding ALL & ONLY White countries with non-Whites and telling everyone to "assimilate" to create a blended humanity is White genocide?

Africa will still be full of Africans and Asia will still be full of Asians.

Only White children will suffer from this.

It is genocide plain and simple!

"Anti-racist" is a code word for anti-White.

If I talk about the intentional mixing-out (genocide) of my race, White people, I am called anaziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews. Every other race has a more or less homogenous homeland to go to. But "anti-racists" say for White people this is "racist." It is White genocide!

Not only are we called the r-word for discussing this, it is ILLEGAL to have completely White communities or institutions. This blatant double-standard is proof that "anti-racist" is a code word for anti-White.

Every White country on the planet is forced to become multicultural and multiracial.

Every White country is ordered to "assimilate" its own race and culture to oblivion.

No "anti-racists" demand that of ANY non-White country.

It's genocide.

These anti-whites claim to be "anti-racist," but their actions result in the genocide of only one race, my race, White people. The true goal of immigration and assimilation is to wipe out my race.

"Anti-racist" is a code word for anti-White.

Mass non-White immigration and forced assimilation into ALL & ONLY White nations is no accident.

"Anti-racists" demand that ALL and & ONLY White countries bring in and assimilate with millions of non-Whites immigrants, until it's just a brown mixture of this and that - this is genocide.

This is the common ground on which anti-Whites say we must all agree:

What is non-White belongs to non-Whites. What is White also belongs to non-Whites.

"Anti-racist" is a code word for anti-White.

Immigration Won't Destroy You

Immigrants are like crates of guns; forced assimilation is you pulling the triggers. You anti-Whites argue for more 'guns' because you want a faster genocide.

It's White genocide because BOTH of these policies lead to an intentional world without my people.

Haven't you been reading? Immigration PLUS forced assimilation will lead to an intentional world without White people and ONLY without White people -- White genocide.

It's 20CY, The Current Year

Yes it is. Its 20CY, ALL & ONLY White countries are bombarded with millions of non-White immigrants and told to "assimilate" by "anti-racists" (anti-Whites) -- which is genocide of White people, my people.

But you anti-Whites seem to still be living in the 1800's. That's why you're pushing genocide of my people; you get some kind of "good doggy!" feeling out of it from the people that socially engineered you.

"Anti-racist" is a code word for anti-White.

20CY, yes and since 1947 you are not allowed to TARGET a GROUP for destruction - violent or non-violent; that's genocide.

So, as an anti-White; a supporter of White genocide; in breach of the UN Genocide conventions... what do you have to say for yourself?

"Anti-racist" is a code word for anti-White.


"But it's love!" is exactly the same thing China screamed when it flooded Tibet with Chinese and encouraged assimilation.

It is STILL genocide. It does not matter what individual choices people make, the conditions have been forced, and that is a clear example of genocide against a group.

"It's love!" does NOT allow you to brag and call for a mixed race in ONLY White countries. That is genocide.

We're not talking about 2 people, we are talking about an entire group of people.

White people worldwide are having millions of non-Whites moved into ONLY White areas and then TOLD to "love" (told to assimilate with each other). That is GENOCIDE.

Why are you justifying genocide?

Low Birth Rate

Japan has a low birth-rate; "anti-racists" don't tell it to assimilate with millions of non-Japanese immigrants.

Why? It's non-White.

Iceland has a low birth-rate; "anti-racists" tell it to assimilate with millions of non-White immigrants.

Why? It's White.

"Anti-racist" is a code word for anti-White.

If someone REALLY cared about the birth-rate of that particular White country they would be campaigning to raise awareness of their low birth-rate or petitioning the government to offer help to families.

They WOULD NOT import million of non-White immigrants, give them free money, and encourage everyone to "mix together" to make a "blended humanity" in ONLY that White country.

That would be genocide.

That's what YOU anti-Whites are doing.

"Anti-racist" is a code word for anti-White.

ANTI-WHITE: This WHITE country has a "low birth-rate."

PERSON: Should we have more children?

ANTI-WHITE: NO! Open the borders! We must let in non-White immigrants, and give them special benefits paid for by White people so they can reproduce quickly.

PERSON: But wouldn't that get rid of White people - AKA genocide?

ANTI-WHITE: Race doesn't exist. Race is a social construct. I don't even see any differences anyway. Are you are racist-nazi!?

"Anti-racist" is a code word for anti-White.